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Trans Joy Zine

*Temporarily out of stock, will return soon!*


If we could ask you to do one thing today, we’d ask you to name your joy. Specifically, if you are up for it, we’d implore you to name your trans joy.


Our team has put together a second edition of the TRANS Magazine, this time focusing on the euphoria that goes hand in hand with being a trans and/or non-binary person. As transphobia continues to rear its ugly head, the need for queer- and translove in our community only grows. That’s why we have dedicated this zine to sheer beauty that is transjoy! 


This zine is not only a loving ode to transness; we also invite our readers to take a moment to sit down and reflect on the many joys that being trans brings and perhaps even be inspired to appreciate their own (trans)joy.


*Pay what you want, minimum of €3,- euro required for shipping





Language: Nederland en Engels