Author: Jan Broekhuizen

(they/them) Jan is transgender and non-binary. They write articles, create illustrations, and work on the Dutch book podcast Trans Libris. In their time off Jan loves to read, game, and bother their cat with endless cuddles.

What’s in a name? A lot, especially to trans people. The letting go of the old, ‘dead’ name is to them an important step in self-development. A long process of thinking preceded the choosing of my own, new name.

The concept of gender dysphoria influences the image of trans persons. The opposite of dysphoria is euphoria. This concept remains marginalised in public debate about trans people. It’s not even in the Dutch Van Dale dictionary.

The further I progress through the exhibition, the more I discover about the meaning of gender and it’s different cultural expressions: Samoan fa’afafines, Albanian burneshas, Zapotec muxes, Native American two-spirit people and Southeast Asian hijras are all covered.