February 2021

It's Saturday morning, February 8, 2025, I'm still half asleep while riding my bike to the dance school to take a ballet class. In the corner of my eye I see posters of a new children's film in the bus shelters. On the way back I take a closer look at the posters and see that they are for the

Joining a dating app has become almost a right of passage when reaching adulthood, but most dating apps do not seem to cater to a non-cis audience. Eden Osasion investigates the influence of dating apps and talks to Skylar Haven, bodycoach for the queer and trans community.

There is Pride in Rest: a series of low-stimulus evenings for the trans and gender diverse community and its allies, as part of the Queer & Pride Amsterdam program. TRANS magazine, in collaboration with Tugela85 and the Bob Angelo Fund, is organizing a series of low-stimulus evenings during Queer & Pride Amsterdam 2023 that are specifically aimed at the gender diverse

When I do sports, I feel flexible, strong and free. Moving your body is a way to forget the world around you and completely lose yourself in the moment. Still, as a trans person, sports do make me feel uncomfortable at times. In which locker room or team do I belong? Where are all the trans and non-binary people who

Sensitive parts of myself that I had locked away, finally felt welcome to come out and be held and admired. Both verbally and non verbally. I didn’t have to explain much, which felt like a breath of fresh air. This is what I experienced as a non binary trans masc person while dating another trans person.

What would you do if a heteronormative person invited you to their baby shower or gender reveal party? After being invited to a baby shower, editor-in-chief Kris van der Voorn was confronted with an internal battle in which love and norms faced each other.

Freddie Lian sat down with one of the founders of Treat it Queer, which is a foundation dedicated to inclusive healthcare, to talk about their mission.

Dantes morning routine ends abruptly after he receives a video on his phone.

In January, docent Laurens Buijs published an opinion piece in Folia, a university related magazine, in which he calls non-binarity an empty hype. He has since then repeatedly used his platform as a social scientist to publish hateful comments against non-binary people. The non-binary community of the university of Amsterdam decided to speak out and advocate to make the University

The current generation of trans people grows up with the phenomenon of trans joy, but this might have been very different for the generations before us. How do older trans people experience trans joy? Tijn asked Corine van Dun.

Alex Bakker dives into 1990s trans activism in the United States and explains how a t-shirt at the time connected trans groups from all over the country.

In this photo serie The Clintess, a model singer and influencer from Malta, show her transitioning life to educate and inspire others.